Our History

After Carlos Campetti’s lecture, on 08/29/1994, encouraging the organization of the Spiritist movement in Houston, the “Grupo de Estudos da Doutrina Espírita de Houston – GEDEH” was founded. In the beginning, the meetings of the study group took place at the University of Houston. In 2006, the GEDEH moved to a new location at 1920 Hollister St (The Center Point), where we stayed until 2012, with two study meetings per month consisting of Portuguese study of the Spiritist Doctrine (Spirits Book and The Gospel According to the Spiritism), followed by spiritual healings.

In late 2011, after participating at the First Texas Symposium held in Dallas, the participants gathered again and decided to create a Spiritist Society, structuring a non-profit organization as established by the Texas’ Law, and writing the Bylaws that regulates the functionality of the Institution. So, in February 10th, 2012, this first stage of Study Group was finalized and then was born the Kardec Spiritist Society of Houston.


The Kardec Spiritist Society of Houston was created in February 10th of 2012, as a non-profit organization, having the basic objectives of study, exercise and practice charity activities according to the Spiritist Doctrine as codified by Allan Kardec. The Spiritist Doctrine emphasizes the relationship between the material world and the spiritual one in order to better understand the purpose of life, and its practice promotes activities in the spiritual, moral and material fields. The purpose of the Society according to its Articles of Incorporation is:

 “This organization is exclusively for charitable, scientific and educational purposes”, more specifically to:

  • Promote the study, dissemination, and practice of the Spiritist Doctrine, as codified by Allan Kardec, according to its principles and postulates, and in all its fundamental scientific, philosophical, religious, ethical, and moral aspects, as well as the related literature that has been developed thereafter.

  • Promote the practice of spiritual and material charity under the light of the Spiritist Doctrine.

  • Disseminate Allan Kardec’s doctrine, philosophy, work and teachings.

  • Represent the Spiritist Movement in the United States in affiliation with the United States Spiritist Council.

  • Promote respect and care to all forms of beings, the planet and the environment.

  • To identify charitable needs of a person or group of people in the community and create ways to provide them with material and spiritual assistance regardless of race, color, creed, sexual orientation or nationality.

The organization shall at all times be operated exclusively for charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as now enacted or hereafter amended, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as now enacted or hereafter amended. All funds, whether income or principal, and whether acquired by gift or contribution, shall be devoted to said purposes.

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